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15 意见· 2023/07/01· 电影与动画

Why I am not casted in a kdrama yet?


Visit Fashion Chingu's website for your favorite KDrama and KPop fashion pieces!

Fashion Chingu's Non-shippable countries and other
FAQs: https://bit.ly/3pMcZrO

Drama names are available in the video, comment section and right here in description, watch kdramas on your own liking :)

Drama names-
Drama Names -
0:01 - ghost doctor
1:00 - shopaholic Louis
1:16 - the light in your eyes
1:35 - Dali and the cocky prince
1:43 - work later drink now
1:58 - the pirates
2:14 - once again
2:20 - young lady and gentlemen
2:45 - adult trainee
2:50 - ghost doctor
3:00 - let's eat 3
3:10 - all of us are dead
3:35 - dark hole
4:02 - your house helper
4:12 - ghost doctor
4:30 - falling for innocence
4:50 - prison playbook
5:04 - lovestruck in the city
5:08 - school 2021
5:20 - lovely horribly
5:23 - never twice

1. What editor I use?
- it mostly depends on what kind of features I need for my videos but I mainly use youcut (cause it simple)

2. Why did I created this channel?
- I used to watch fan-made video and select what kdramas I like (I liked how those channels guide me) So I created a channel for fans, basically I like introducing kdramas
And I like compliments too.

3. What is the best app to watch kdrama?
- Netflix, Viki, viu, IQIYI are the most trusted app without any inappropriate ads, safe for family purpose (mention more in comments if you know)

4. Where do I get these ideas?
- from my brain or what?

5. Since when & how much kdramas I have watched?
- I am 2017 kdrama fan! I have watched over 200+ kdramas (still counting)

For business enquiries
Contact me on my Instagram
@_.dramamaster._ : https://instagram.com/_.dramam....aster._?igshid=z0eou

❌ Please do not re-upload my videos on YouTube, you can do it on other social platforms with credits
❌ No hatred against any community in the comment section.
✔️ Watch kdramas & enjoy!



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