23 Lượt xem· 2023/07/10· Hài kịch
Destroyed Televisions | You Break It, We Buy It
Welcome to our new show, You Break It, We Buy It. Each week we will give back to our awesome fans by paying to replace broken items from one of two fails. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on who should win! The people have spoken! Watch to see who won along with a heartfelt message from the winner.
Join our Patreon https://fail.army/3lE2Edw and support the cause. The more people join, the bigger our giveaways will get!
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We've got friends in high places! Give them a watch:
People Are Awesome - http://youtube.com/peopleareawesome
The Pet Collective - http://youtube.com/thepetcollective
This is Happening - http://youtube.com/ThisisHappening
FailArmy is the world’s number one source for epic fail videos and hilarious compilations. We’re powered by fan submissions and feedback from all around the world, with over 30 million fans across digital platforms!
To license any of the videos shown on FailArmy, please visit Jukin Media at http://bit.ly/jukinlicense.
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