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13 Views· 2023/07/12· Non-profits & Activism

The 4 Pillars Of A Seductive Instagram Profile (Student Case Study)

2 Subscribers

Ur IG sucks? get 3-part Instagram Crash Course here: https://tnl.life/FreeSMG_IgReview (100% free)
Thanks Teo for submitting your profile for this review. Teo's a long time client and you will see he applied all the principles I taught him to turn his Instagram into a powerful pocket propaganda machine for his dating life, regardless of follower count. I'm gonna be extra critical with him and nitpick everything he's doing that's not optimal. Let me know in the comments if you liked this format, it helps the channel a lot. Next week we'll review beginner to intermediate profiles so stay tuned for that. If you're not sure about why I advocate having a great Instagram profile to meet hotter women here's a video where I go in depth.

https://youtu.be/gVQGP5nLwwA | 16min watch

NO IT'S NOT ABOUT SLIDING IN HER DMS. The total opposite actually. You know me, it's way more subtle than this ;)
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Listen to the audio version here: https://tnl.life/Seductive_Instagram_Profile

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