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3 Views· 2023/07/12· Non-profits & Activism

No Beauty Without Sadness. The Godfathers Of Natural Seduction [Zan Perrion & James Marshall]

2 Subscribers

Get James' 90min wisdom-packed speech here: https://tnl.life/lifestyle_speech

Topic Timecodes:
00:00 Intro
2:00 The origins of the pickup community.
12:20 The only known way to get rid of approach anxiety & understanding social hierarchies.
36:20 Beyond seduction –– seeking adventures and finding your true purpose.
49:42 Why I’ve never read a self-development book & how to 10x your learning.
1:22:46 How to survive unfaithful partners & build a sense of worthiness.
1:44:00 The fatherhood dilemma: when to settle for a family Vs remaining an eternal free spirit

🎙️ Listen to the audio version of this video here: https://tnl.life/NoBeautyWithoutSadness

~ about The Natural Lifestyles ~
The Natural Lifestyles is the leading elite dating company on the planet. We give dating advice to guys for over a decade with phenomenal results. Our live workshops in New York, Barcelona, Melbourne, Sydney, Budapest etc. are highly requested and offer a life changing experience! Only around 80 guys can be taught live each year.

Do you want to step out of your fear and start a new life? Check our homepage for more infos:

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