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5 Views· 2023/07/13· Non-profits & Activism

James Marshall and Shae Matthews Discuss The Perfect Pick Up Practice

2 Subscribers

What is more important Outer game or Inner Game?

James and Shae talk about developing balance between the two and how you can be your best in the world of seduction, life and love by integrating both into your lifestyle.

If you want to take your game to the next level with powerful natural life changing inner game techniques check out the LifeSpirngAudio inner game audio series by Shae.


This series is designed to give you the edge with lifestyle, goals and developing a more rock solid inner game perspective on life. Go to the site and get your FREE three audio's and check out the other extended versions to add more power to your Natural Mojo. Enjoy and let us know what you think. Watch James Marshall pickup a model who has already rejected him - click here - http://bit.ly/1J1h80G

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